
Seven Keys to Use Your Intuition To Change Your Life


We’re all aware of the thoughts and feelings that whisper to us, but we tend to listen to the negative ones.

By the way, I’m not talking about the one who puts you down!

This requires you to step out of your comfort zone, and that’s a step you should never take.

Even if it means living a mediocre life instead of one of your dreams, we’re all aware of the first voice.

Still, the second voice is the one most of us listen to.

People often ignore their intuition because they are too busy listening to other voices.

That’s not a bad thing, but it is something that we need to pay attention to and consider if we want to make the right decisions in life.

The good news is that we have our best interests at heart.

Our shadow voice doesn’t have our welfare at heart, but it’s just trying to protect us from danger and make us feel safe and secure.

I think it’s important to realize that we can only be as good as our limitations allow us to be.

There’s something else going on here.

We may have an addiction to sugar and unhealthy foods, which could be part of what’s causing us to feel out of control.

Do you feel unfulfilled at a soul level?

Slowly and gradually, your unhappiness can make you feel less energetic and irritable.

Ultimately, your physical and mental health will be affected.

Sometimes a gentle voice will gently push you beyond your comfort zone, but not more than you are capable of.

The Universe and your Higher Self constantly send messages guiding your life path.

They are helping you become more apparent and robust in each area.

In this book, they are supporting you in ways that you never imagined.

First, your intuition will gently nudge you in scary directions.

You’ll learn to embrace the dangerous stuff and move forward when ready.

And then your intuition will gently encourage you when it’s time to stop or turn around.

You can trust your intuition to guide you through life.

The biggest challenge of life is when everything is taken care of.

Yet, you still find yourself stuck in the same place, repeating the same mistakes.

Reaching your goals is difficult, but it is possible with enough luck and hard work.

You must take a step at a time, be patient, and always look to the future.

It’s fun to be at ease with yourself, and it’s much more fun to be able to handle any situation that comes your way.

If you don’t listen to your intuition, you’ll never learn to listen to it. T

his takes time and patience.

Some people can instantly tell whether they’re being talked down to or if they’ve been talked up.

You need to use it regularly to be in the shape you want.

So how do you get to know your intuition better?

Your subconscious mind can make it extremely difficult to ignore hunches, feelings, or important ideas for your life.

These unconscious thoughts could be signs from your subconscious mind, leading to changes in your life.

Listen carefully for the voice.

If the tone is gentle, positive, and supportive, that’s your cheerful inner voice.

If it sounds angry or harsh, it’s more likely to be your shadow voice.

You might feel a powerful feeling of warning or danger.

It might seem very loud and very threatening.

Intuition, or hunches, are terrifying things to trust when new to you.

They’re not based on logic, and sometimes the thing that your intuition says can’t be justified.

But with practice and trust, you’ll learn that knowing something is the right thing to do, is in your best interests.

What is an essential skill to have if I want to become a successful business owner?

It may be easier for you to ignore your shadow voice and that of others who might try to prevent you from achieving success.

Here are six keys to developing trust in your intuition to move your life in the right direction.

1. Trust Yourself More

Make life-changing decisions by relying on intuition, but only after familiarizing yourself with it.

Don’t listen to your rational mind when making decisions. Instead, have your intuition guide you and let go of any resistance to what is being shown.

Don’t be fooled by the simple-sounding title of this book.

It’s a real gem that deserves all the accolades it’s been receiving.

Over time, as you practice mindfulness meditation or tune in more often, you’ll suffer less and less from worry or anxiety.

Everything will work out well, and you’ll be surprised at how often things work out better than you imagined.

2. Follow your enthusiasm.

If you’re trying to make a new decision, pay attention to what feels exciting and energizing and what you’re curious about.

Intuition is one way we navigate our path to success.

There is a lot of wisdom in your little voice.

If something is boring or draining for you, try to move away from it.

A study found that dieters who didn’t eat chocolate and sweets every day were likelier to lose weight than those who did, even though they didn’t make any.

They discovered that the more confident people felt about their decisions, the more likely they were to use intuitive decision-making.

Studies of intuition reveal that it plays a role in how people make decisions and is an essential part of good decision-making.

Still, they do not demonstrate that the study could be helpful for an individual who wants to become more effective in their decision-making processes.

3. Add Meditation to Your Routine.

In the morning, meditate and visualize what you want.

Many women find it easier to get the attention of men if they’re younger than they are.

But if you’re over 40, being younger is also an advantage.

Think of three things you can do [today] to get on the right track.

It’s not that hard.

You’ll keep your schedule flexible because you don’t have to plan to do those things.

You’re free to do whatever you want.

It’s time to get started.

As your confidence grows, you can always add more activities to your routine.

If you practice, eventually, it will become a habit.

4. Seek Guidance In Your Dreams

Write before bed to sort through your thoughts on the previous day.

This is a great way to get everything out of your head before going to sleep.

It’s like purposely having a dream and asking a specific question as you drift off to sleep.

You’ll be so impressed when you discover the answers you’ve longed for.

Sometimes your dreams are apparent, and other times you have a “knowing” that reveals your next steps.

Sometimes you can wake up with a clear picture of where you needs to go next.

5. Take A Walk

When you’re stuck on a decision, take a walk.

It will help you figure things out. On your walk, keeping an open mind is recommended, which means considering new ideas and adapting to changing circumstances.

You’ll discover what kind of opportunities and connections you need to make for your answer to come to life and what you need to do in the following steps to make it happen.

6. Journal for clarity.

Having clarity on what you want versus what you don’t is essential, and it will improve your life.

You may journal about what you’ve been thinking and feeling in your life.

Having a clear vision gives you “your inner compass the right coordinates,” so you know what you’re aiming for and move in the That’s why it’s essential to get out there and try it.

Getting up early and doing a workout or meditation won’t make you more likely to do them if you don’t want to.

But the reward is tremendous.

To live life with passion and purpose means to work every day to live as fully as possible.

And you are inventive means to work creatively to achieve your goals.

7. Watch the words you say to yourself.

If you’ve ever had a bad day and felt down, the next time you start to feel that way, consider what you’re telling yourself.

You’ll probably realize you’re not making much progress, but if you remind yourself that you’re trying hard, you can keep pushing.

Because when our minds become a muck of negativity, we can’t hear our intuition.

We talk ourselves out of joy.

Our intuitive nature is a wise compass that helps guide us toward a meaningful, fulfilling life.

I believe that intuition is a gift available to all of us.

Listen to your inner voice if you want to know what will happen next.

It will tell you everything.

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