
7 Powerful Ways To Unlocking Your Intuition


You’ve probably had this experience where you just had this tremendous feeling that you might get lucky or that something unique is about to happen, which was later translated into reality.

Intuition means feeling strongly about something, even though there is no logical basis.

Intuition Is A Gift

When it comes to intuition, you have either clairvoyance or sensing clearly, or both. You also use “feeling through listening” sometimes.

Clairvoyance is when your eyes go beyond what your senses can perceive.

This is when you know what is happening elsewhere.

You can refer to sensing clearly as a “hunch” or “gut feel.”

This is when you feel overwhelmed with a feeling, and you don’t have an explanation, and all you can say is, “I just know.”

On the other hand, you can listen or clairaudience by hearing between the lines.

Sometimes intuition happens when a particular sound, whatever it is, be it a car’s honk or a bird’s tweeting, ushers in an intense feeling.

How to Unlock Your Intuition

Most people have this intuitive talent, but an essential thing is cultivating and developing it.

Astrology doesn’t tell you if you’re an intuitive person, but it does help you get a sense of your innate intuition and which signs you fall into.

Studies have been saying anyone can learn to have instincts, but they are hard to find.

Because if you don’t, you’ll end up wasting your money.

Why not try letting your emotions and mental states be as they are and experience the present moment without trying to change anything about your feelings or mental state?

Intuition promotes good communication.

It helps you empathize with people, and it allows you to notice how other people feel.

When it comes to intuition, people who have it are more creative than ever.

The best thing to do for your instinct is to stay in the present moment and stop thinking about the future.

Let go of all expectations.

You have to develop your intuition, and that’s where this book will help you.

This article will show you how to do it in a way that works for you and helps you become more intuitive.

Are you ready to develop your intuition, or is it just something you say?

This is 7 ways to unlock this gift:

1. Hypnosis

Get hypnotherapy done to relax.

It’s not limited to just watching a pendulum move back and forth.

Perform self-hypnosis.

You can take advantage of these simple steps to strengthen your intuition.

1. Make yourself comfortable in a comfortable spot.

2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

3. Picture yourself in a calm and relaxing place.

4. Take a few more deep breaths and let them out slowly.

5. Now, begin to focus on your breath.

2. Meditation

Meditation is an excellent way to calm the mind and improve intuition.

However, when your mind and heart are cluttered with too much baggage and hurt, it will be harder to quiet down your intuition.

There are so many ways to meditate, but some people prefer yoga classes and others prefer practicing breathing exercises.

A great way to practice meditation is to sit quietly and clear your mind of all thoughts.

You can do this by sitting quietly, breathing deeply, and thinking about nothing.

Why Meditation?

Meditation is a technique that focuses on stillness, concentration, and awareness.

It helps you get in touch with your inner self and achieve peace.

You can use meditation for any purpose, including stress management, relaxation, and improving health and well-being.

3. Think positive!

It could do so much to improve your intuitive ability.

Being positive attracts good energy that could easily recognize impending feelings and events.

The more you practice it, the easier it becomes to see the positive in life.

There are times when we may feel sad, lonely, or unhappy.

But we cannot always control the outcome of life.

We need to take action to change our current circumstances, but we also need to accept that nothing is permanent.

If we can understand this, then we can learn to be happy in any case.

You can use this quote on your refrigerator or bathroom mirror.

4. Just let go.

If you are about to make a huge decision, whether, in doubt or unsure of what to do, it’s time to let go and allow the universe to take you to your next step.

We sometimes have to listen to our inner voice, and that voice will never come out unless we let go.

You can use the following mantra to help you relax and let go.

**I am always ready to listen to my inner voice.**

**I am always prepared to go where my heart leads me.**

**I am always willing to accept what is happening in my life.**

**I am always ready to let go of what I don’t want so that I can get more of what I do want.**

**I am always willing to follow my intuition and trust myself.**

**I am always prepared to surrender to the universe.

5. Never expect it.

Once you let go of your inhibitions and think without any doubt, you’ll see the answer at once.

Don’t expect a response right away.

Don’t ever expect your hunch to fall on your lap right away.

Give it some time, and you’ll be surprised to see that — wham! — it’s almost like it was meant to be this way.

This is not to say that it’s impossible to have a hunch, but it’s certainly much more difficult.

And if you do have a suspicion, be sure to act on it.

It may be vague, but it’s better than sitting around waiting for something to happen.

Remember: The universe will give you what you’re looking for if you can look for it.

6. Believe in your first impressions.

When you see someone for the first time and think he is a bit too arrogant for your taste, chances are that impression holds.

Most of the time, first impressions are brought by intuition.

You might be attracted or repelled by the person based on appearance or behavior.

If you have ever met someone you liked, and then they treated you like shit, then you know what I’m talking about.

This can be easily fixed by not taking things at face value.

There is always an element of truth in all lies.

So if you feel like someone is too arrogant, ask them to explain their point of view and listen to what they have to say.

7. Stay happy!

Being intuitive is simple.

Stay happy!

Intuition is an expression of the infinite universe.

When you tap your intuition, you must follow your instincts.

Your motivation must be joy and satisfaction.

Happiness is the best way to be intuitive.

It’s free, and it’s all around you.

Love attracts immense power, and such power includes intuition.

In tapping your intuition, your motivation must be to live a happier and more fulfilling life.

You are at your most powerful when you feel like you have nothing to lose.

If you are not afraid of losing what you want, you can manifest it.

When you manifest, you will notice that things happen much faster than when you were holding back.

You have to learn to use your intuition for positive results.

This means you have to trust it.

Trust it enough to let it guide you through all the situations in your life.

Trusting your intuition will give you the best possible outcome.


If you rely on your intuition alone, you may overlook some possibilities.

Intuition, the sixth sense that guides us without conscious awareness, is an innate ability we all possess.

Decisions are more manageable if you have a good strategy.

Develop intuition now and reap the benefits you could have never imagined.

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