
Neville Goddard’s Top 5 Principles for the Law of Attraction to Attract Your Dreams


Are you looking to manifest your desires and make the Law of Attraction work for you?

Look no further than the teachings of Neville Goddard. 

This blog post will explore the top 5 Neville Goddard teachings on the Law of Attraction and provide practical examples of how to apply them in your life.

From the power of imagination to the importance of feeling, these teachings will help you to attract the things you want and create the reality you desire.

So read on to learn how to manifest your desires and make the Law of Attraction work for you.

1. Imagination Creates Reality

Neville Goddard believed that imagination is the key to manifesting our desires.

He taught that by using our imagination to visualize our desired outcome, we could create the reality we want to experience.

For example, imagine yourself as if you already have the job you want and feel the emotions that come with it.

This will send a message to the universe that you are ready to receive that job, and it will be attracted to you.

If you’re trying to manifest something vital to you, you need to make sure that you believe it will happen.

If you don’t think it will happen, then it’s not.

It won’t manifest.

You have to think that it’s going to happen, honestly.

You won’t see any results if you don’t believe it will happen. 

2. The Feeling is the Secret

Neville Goddard emphasized the importance of feeling in the manifestation process.

He taught us that it is not enough to visualize our desires.

We must also feel their emotions.

For example, if you want to manifest a new car, imagine yourself driving it and feeling the joy and excitement of having it.

This will help to attract the car to you.

Feelings are a powerful tool and should be used often in manifestation work.

If you continually attract negative experiences, chances are you’re still holding on to outdated beliefs about love and relationships.

Suppose you believe it’s not safe to be ‘alone,’ or you think you have no power over your own life.

In that case, you will continue attracting people who confirm those beliefs into your life.

You see it happening all around you.

3. Change Your Story, Change Your Life 

Neville Goddard believed that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality.

He taught us that changing the story, we tell ourselves can change our reality.

For example, if you believe you are not good enough to get the job you want, change your story to one where you are confident and capable of getting that job.

This will help to attract the job to you.

The same principle applies to all of us.

If we want to change something, we must change our story about what is happening.

For example, think about the last time you were upset with someone.

What was your story?

Did you feel sorry for yourself because you had been hurt or betrayed?

Was your story about how bad the other person treated you, or did you look at the situation more positively?

Your story determines your reality.

4. The Power of “I Am”

Neville Goddard believed that the words we use have a powerful effect on our reality.

He taught that the phrase “I am” is compelling because it declares our identity.

For example, if you want to manifest more money, say “I am abundant” instead of “I want more money.”

This will help to attract abundance to you.

The Law of Attraction is one of life’s great mysteries.

Very few are willing to question the status quo of their life and change things around.

The Law of Attraction teaches us that whatever we focus on expands.

Thus, if you focus on positive things, you will draw more of those things into your life.

If you focus on negative things, you will bring more of those things into your life.

You don’t have to be perfect, just better than yesterday.

It’s called the law of progression.

5. Act As If

Neville Goddard taught that acting as if our desires have already been manifested is essential.

This helps to align our actions and thoughts with our desires and sends a message to the universe that we are ready to receive them.

For example, if you want to manifest a new house, start acting as if you already live in it.

This could mean decorating a room in your current home as if it were the room in the new house or just visualizing yourself living there.

To get your desires to materialize, you must first understand what those desires are and why you want them.

As we’ve discussed, this is where the rubber meets the road.

You need to enjoy the things that you desire.

How can you expect something to manifest into reality if you don’t want something?

It won’t.

You have to understand the difference between wanting something and needing something.

You’ll do anything to make something happen when you genuinely wish to do something.


In conclusion, Neville Goddard’s teachings on the Law of Attraction provide a robust framework for manifesting our desires.

By using our imagination, feeling the emotions associated with our desires, changing our thoughts and beliefs, using powerful words, and acting as if our desires have already been manifested, we can attract the things we want into our lives.

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