
How To Manifest Money In a Recession


We know that the current economic climate can be incredibly challenging. During a recession, it’s normal to feel worried about your financial future. But we want you to know that it’s possible to manifest financial abundance, even in uncertainty. By shifting your mindset and focusing on abundance and gratitude, you can create a brighter financial future for yourself.

Shift Your Focus

We understand that it’s not always easy to believe in your ability to manifest financial abundance during a recession. But what you focus on expands, so we have to choose our focus wisely. That’s why we encourage you to take a moment and reflect on your current beliefs and attitudes toward money and wealth.

What do you believe is possible during an economic downturn?

Are you open to manifesting financial abundance, no matter the circumstances?

These are essential questions to ask yourself, as your beliefs and attitudes can shape your reality.

If you believe it’s impossible to manifest financial abundance during a recession, that belief becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. On the other hand, if you have an open and positive attitude towards money and wealth, you create the conditions necessary to manifest financial abundance in your life.

Key to Breakthrough

We’ve seen countless examples of people who have been able to break through their limiting beliefs and manifest financial abundance during tough economic times. For example, one person realized they had a deep-seated belief that they were only worthy of earning a certain amount of money. Once they became aware of this limiting belief, they were able to shift their perspective and begin attracting more financial abundance into their life.

Another person found that they negatively associated with money and wealth, holding them back from attracting more financial abundance. However, once they became aware of this association and worked to change their relationship with money and wealth, they were able to manifest a significant increase in their income.

These are just a few examples of how becoming aware of our beliefs and attitudes toward money, and wealth can have a powerful impact on our ability to manifest financial abundance, even during a recession.

Suppose you’re ready to change your beliefs and attitudes about money and wealth. In that case, you are prepared to attract the financial abundance you desire! 

We want you to know that changing your perspective and mindset is possible. By focusing on abundance and gratitude, you’ll be able to shift your energy toward attracting more money into your life. This is like planting a seed in fertile soil – with the right conditions. The seed will grow. With the right mindset and energy, you can attract wealth and abundance even during a challenging time.

Gratitude Vs. Scarcity

We encourage you to start small by practicing gratitude and abundance-focused habits. For instance, you can write down three things you’re grateful for daily or repeat a positive affirmation about money and abundance. These simple practices can help you shift your energy and mindset towards abundance, making it easier to manifest cash during a recession.

It’s also helpful to compare focusing on abundance and gratitude versus focusing on scarcity and fear. Focusing on abundance and gratitude can positively impact attracting financial abundance. Conversely, focusing on scarcity and anxiety can keep you stuck in a cycle of lack and limit your ability to manifest financial abundance.

When it comes to manifesting financial abundance, it’s crucial to compare focusing on abundance and gratitude versus focusing on scarcity and fear. By doing so, you can gain a deeper understanding of how your focus can impact your ability to manifest financial abundance.

Focusing on abundance and gratitude can have a powerful impact on attracting financial abundance. This type of focus helps cultivate an optimistic outlook, attracting more positive experiences and opportunities into your life. By focusing on the abundance and blessings in your life, you send a message to the universe that you’re open and receptive to receiving even more financial abundance.

On the other hand, focusing on scarcity and fear can keep you stuck in a cycle of lack and limit your ability to manifest financial abundance. When you focus on fear, you create a vibration of scarcity, which sends the message to the universe that you don’t have enough and are incapable of attracting more financial abundance.

Join The New Rich

Dear one, do you know Recession can be a blessing in disguise? Yes, this is an excellent time to realize how we can monetize our skillset to make money in a way we never thought possible. Think about it. You must acquire knowledge and skillset over the years that you can turn into a business. Don’t believe me? I will list down five ideas and opportunities you can look into now if you want to start making money from home during a recession.

  1. Start a home-based business: Take advantage of the Recession by starting a home-based business. Whether selling products or offering services, starting a business from home can be a great way to make money and have financial stability.
  2. Freelancing: Utilize your skills and expertise to offer freelance services. From writing and graphic design to virtual assisting and social media management, there are many opportunities to monetize your skills.
  3. Online tutoring: Share your knowledge and experience with others by offering online tutoring services. With the rise of online education, this can be a lucrative opportunity.
  4. E-commerce: Take advantage of the growing trend of online shopping by starting an e-commerce business. Whether you sell physical or digital products, there’s a high demand for online products and services.
  5. Investing: With a downturn in the stock market, this can be a great time to start investing. Consider investing in low-risk options, such as bonds and mutual funds, to protect your money while taking advantage of investment opportunities.

Remember, the key to making money during a recession is remaining open to new opportunities and focused on abundance and gratitude. By doing so, you’ll be in a better position to attract financial lot and stability, no matter the circumstances.


In conclusion, we believe in you and your ability to manifest money during a recession. With a shift in your mindset and perspective, a focus on abundance and gratitude, and trust in your skills, you can create a brighter financial future for yourself. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

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