
An Introduction Guide to Aura and How to Read Aura


Intro To Auras

When we are uncomfortable in crowded places, we may feel overwhelmed and stressed out.

Are there moments when you think that someone’s invading your space?

Some people can only come so close to you.

They get a bit shocked by your aura.

Another person’s aura may be affecting your own.

Aura and Energy Field

Sometimes, when you’re around a particular person, you feel uncomfortable.

You cannot help but feel that something is off in a room when you enter it.

Humans have an aura.

Humans have an electric charge, and the earth is magnetized.

It’s an energy force that’s felt in a room filled with varying energies, good and bad.

These differing energies can be shared freely and without harm.

How Aura is Formed

Our aura is made up of our emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and other energetic entities that give us the characteristics we have in life.

It’s the life force that surrounds all living things.

You can sense it around plants, trees, animals, birds, and people.

Auras are located at the body’s surface, and it’s possible to get an accurate reading of someone’s emotions by using the chakras closest to the surface.

An aura is an electrical field that surrounds and protects us and shows our emotional condition.

It may be seen with the eyes open or closed.

Aura Color Meanings

Colors are an essential aspect of aura reading.

Below is a description of the meanings different colors hold.

When reading auras, be sure always to trust your intuition.

The aura colors are based on the color spectrum, broken into seven colors.

These colors are blue, green, yellow, orange, red, brown, and black.

Each color has its meaning and auras that correspond to them.

An aura’s color is an energetic field surrounding a person.

It can be seen as a bright glow around a person’s body.

Auras are made up of light, heat, and vibration.

They are made up of a person’s energy.

If you feel like something is off, it probably is!

For example:

Green is good energy.

This color can indicate good health and happiness.

Green is a healthy color.

However, if you see green in your aura, it may also mean some disease is present.

Blue is a sign of spiritual healing.

Blue is the most popular color to wear when reading auras.

It is said to be the color of the soul.

Blue auras are associated with intuition, psychic powers, and psychic abilities.

Blue auras can also indicate peace and love.

Let’s dive deeper into each aura color, shall we?


Black is the color of shielding oneself from outside energies.

It is a beautiful color.

There is nothing wrong with it being part of your aura.

Whether you’re a man or woman, the best protection against negativity and emotional imbalances in your life is to shield yourself from those external energies.

Unfortunately, it can also mean being unbalanced, concealing something, or hiding secrets.

A black ring usually indicates some form of abuse.

If you have not dealt with this issue, you will carry a black ring until you heal.


Gold is associated with wealth, success, and abundance.

When it’s visible around someone, you see all that energy.

Gold is only muddy when we don’t have access to our higher self.

In my opinion, muddy gold is the lack of enlightenment when you haven’t truly worked on yourself and reached those higher levels.


Yellow aura is usually seen around an analytical person.

People who have a balance between being intelligent and sensitive are considered to be “balanced.

Suppose you see yourself shining in a yellow aura.

Then congrats.

You are a thinker, an analytical person, so the yellow aura surrounding you is usual.


Green aura signifies that a person is Sympathetic to others, dependable, and has healing abilities.

On the other hand, a muddier shade of green could indicate jealousy- like “green with envy.”


Gray can indicate intuition and creativity.

Silvery gray shows femininity, while darker gray can mean secretiveness or physical imbalance. 


Bright orange means one is growing emotionally and paranormally.

A dull shade implies a person is unsure how to accept this growth.

Muddy orange shows in a person with too much pride.


Pink is The color of love and honesty.

It also depicts the quieter side of an artistic and creative person.

On the other hand, dark pink may indicate immaturity or changes in one’s love life.

Dull pink, however, watch out; Someone is lying.


Purple is the color of intuition.

A deeper purple hue shows a strong-willed and passionate person.

However, it can also reflect intense erotic imagination and being overbearing.


Red is a color of love or hate, strong emotions, and energy. An intense red color, however, may indicate a person ready to fly off the handle.

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