
7 Steps To Connect With Your Angel


Angels are universal, existing in every major religion.

The Pew Research Center reported that 72% of Americans believe in angels, much higher than the percentage who believe in any world faith’s teachings on destiny or fate (such as Buddhism at 57% and Hinduism at 55%).

We find them appear across different Christian sects like Catholicism with its hierarchy between paradise and purgatory – even Islam has something called “jinn,” which can be bought back when you’re poor enough by giving charity donations, so they’ll always work for your benefit!

The late Saint Augustine, an angel expert, said we should make friends with them and not just think about their power.

He also recommended making personal relationships deeper than those between strangers because they are important beings who can help you in your time of need or desire “Make Friends With Angels,” by St. Agustine.

The angels are always with us, watching over and guiding each decision.


It’s easy to forget this spiritual truth in our busy days, so I’ve compiled a list of ways you can call on them for help:

  1. Asking for help shows that you’re open to receiving more assistance.

    When we diminish our receptivity, the angels cannot give us what we need and want most in life – so it’s best not to let them down by being too receptive!

    Make your own invocations (prayers) specifically calling on specific angelic beings who can provide solutions or relief from whatever ailments may be plaguing you at this time…

    When asking for help, know that angels are always there to answer.

    They work with everyone regardless of personal histories and beliefs because their love is unconditional- it doesn’t matter if you’ve done something good or bad in your life; all those moments still matter when receiving assistance from an angelic being!

    The more worthy one feels inside themselves (whether this comes naturally over time through meditation), they will feel less hesitation while making such requests–and these beings exist beyond our experience in both spaces.

  2. Connecting with your inner divine child is a beautiful experience that will help you create the life of your dreams. Your innocent, whole-heartedness invites in angels who are trustworthy gifts from God.

    Let this connection guide how we work together to receive what they have prepared for us!

  3. Offer up everything you are holding on to and ask the angels for their help.

    Release any expectations about how they will answer your prayer because this very moment in time may be when all of those answers come back around again!

  4. Express your gratitude for all the things in life that are already great.

    Even when you’re feeling down, take time to appreciate what’s happening around and inside of us–our family members or friends who care about their well-being as much if not more than ours; a beautiful landscape nature has provided just waiting patiently outside my door each day, so I can see its magic once again after work hours while walking home through shady parks at night-time with stars shining bright above me like diamonds trapped against…

    Acknowledge how lucky we get!

  5. Know that your every request will be answered and help is always given.

    If you are fearful about whether it will work out for whatever reason, then ask the angels for guidance in understanding how things should go; they know best what love does/cannot do because of faithfulness towards those who need us most.

    We’re told “you” when prayer works its way down through layers upon layers until finally landing on someone’s shoulders, where we find ourselves surrounded by peace.

  6. When you receive guidance from the angels, act on it immediately.

    They are infinite and unlimited in their help for us, so don’t worry about asking for “too much” because we’ll never run out! The faster I take action now will only result in more assistance later down this road – remember what they say: “Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.”

  7. Celebrate yourself!

    You are enough, just as you are. Leave any critical judgments or negative feelings behind in exchange for love and acceptance of all that makes up your life now – even if it only lasts a short time; let go entirely so better can come from the angels’ perspective instead (or theirs).

    Thank them often during this special moment by deepening our bond with one another, which they want nothing but a blessing on us both.

I hope that this article gave you some helpful steps to connect more deeply with your Angels so they can help and assist in all of life’s endeavors.

Remember, the holy beings who watch over us are always by our sides– eager for a chance at making things better!

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